Wednesday 5 March 2008

Aero - no more

I've been resisting but... my desktop was sooo slow. I was trying to show Claudio something in C# 3.0 but we had to wait a stupid time watching the animated wheel while Vista&VS fought with each other. I only have a single core machine but it is a 3.6Ghz Pentium 4 - not exactly a slow machine!

We went to the desktop properties and actually selected "optimize for performance". Essentially the machine reverted to a sub-Windows 2000 look - yikes! optimal? Maybe, but too embarrassing! So I've decided to switch off Aero and go to Vista Basic. Still looks okay and, it must be said, things are zipping along quite nicely. I have to wait for my multi-core desktop before I can do transparent windows again.


Lemm said...
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Lemm said...

Hi Gavin
Did you consider upgrading your Vista to the best available Microsoft OS, Windows XP?
See also:

Erwin ;)

Gavin Bierman said...

Thanks "Lemm". I think that counts as "off message" where I work :-)